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Unlocking Financial Potential: Harnessing the Power of Fee Optimization

In the financial landscape, many institutions have been benefiting from non-transparent fee schemes, leading to a situation where certain fees overlap with each other. The complexity of these fee structures often discourages Family Offices to actively track fees paid to execute their investment strategies. Due to the absence of a vested interest, custodian banks provide little support to monitor fees.

Fee optimisation by GreenLock

Since 2022 WealthArc entered a partnership with GreenLock. We discovered an immense potential that fee optimisation can bring to Single- and Multi- Family Offices and quickly realised that we have strong synergies between our core businesses where each party can supplement the other with its expertise and create unique value for potential Customers.


How WealthArc helps with fee optimisation?

WealthArc has gained recognition for its outstanding data transfer models, which have been thoroughly tested during the establishment of 116 custodian connections that we have successfully facilitated.

At the core of WealthArc's batch data transfer model lies the distinctive engine that was entirely created by our data scientists and engineers. This engine ensures that the data is unified and consolidated before being sent to GreenLock. Subsequently, the GreenLock engine conducts a comprehensive fee analysis of the historical transactions and investment products in a portfolio.

Download all the information about fee optimisation possibilities with WealthArc!

Analysis and fee reduction potential

GreenLock performs analysis and market benchmarking of:

  • custody fees
  • transactional fees
  • Forex exchange rates
  • product fees

Based on the analysis, substantial savings recommendations are generated. The recommendations are used to replicate existing strategy with lower fees.  

GreenLock has reported to achieve average savings for clients in the range of 0.5% to 1.5% of Assets under Management (AuM). A typical client, with AuM ranging from $30 million to $250 million, can benefit from reduced investment fees. Notably, significant initial savings can be realised within the first quarter after implementation of recommendations.

Do you want to watch the webinar "Wealth talks: Custody Fees Unravelled" that WealthArc and GreenLock had together? Contact us and get the access!

Transparency is the key

However, by embracing the partnership with GreenLock and embracing their expertise, a significant shift occurs. The introduction of much-needed transparency and the utilization of actual benchmarks provided by GreenLock bring about a substantial change in perspective. Armed with this newfound information, it becomes easier to identify inefficiencies within the existing fee structures and initiate negotiations to realign them based on concrete data evidence.

What truly sets this endeavour apart is the profound dedication to taking extra care of your clients. By actively pursuing the path of transparency and utilizing GreenLock's fee optimisation, you demonstrate a commitment to bringing tangible benefits directly to your clients. This commitment to excellence sets you apart as a trusted partner, capable of delivering unparalleled value and fostering stronger client relationships.

New era of wealth management with WealthArc and GreenLock

By embarking on this collaborative journey with GreenLock, you are ready to challenge the status quo of opaque fee systems. Together, you have the power to create a more transparent and efficient environment that not only benefits your clients but also elevates the standards within the industry.

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